I believe family time is so important.
My vision for this year has been to build a stronger home life for my husband and children. All my decisions have revolved around how to help that happen. It's been a lesson in patience and humility.
My choice to change jobs was one of the best things I've done in years.
I am a happier person. My marriage has never been stronger.
My kids now "hang out" with us and we spend time laughing together.
Even the teens.
Especially the teens. They need parental guidance as they learn to be responsible for themselves.
Money was always the main reason I'd stayed on the night shift. But I felt miserable and trapped.
So I took a leap of faith. I decided to trust in God that we'd somehow manage despite our ever challenged financial situation.
I've found a few ways to bridge the pay cut.
I've become a self taught extreme couponer, and cut our food and household costs by close to 50 percent. My kids have jumped on the bandwagon and ask to come food shopping with me. They run out to the car to help me unpack. It's a way for us to be together and get things we might not get otherwise.
Now, I've discovered Premier Designs Jewelry and am getting ready for my home training show this weekend.
So excited for this opportunity!!
After having a home show where I earned over $400 in free jewelry, I couldn't stop thinking about beconing a Premier Designs Jewelry Lady.
It's beautiful jewelry that I want to wear.
It offers me yet another way to provide for my family.
I get to socialize with amazing women. Helping them get a product they might not have been willing or able to splurge on. (Because we moms always put ourselves last, right?)
Helping ladies shop for pieces to fit their personal style in a fun atmosphere. Being able to do this around my full time job and family is the best part.
It's was an easy decision for me. Feel free to contact me if you'd like to know more.
I'm well on my way to meeting my goal of 6 shows in 45 days.
Stay tuned for updates!
1 day ago